Your Physician - Mary Cetan


Hello and Welcome!

If you're looking to naturally enhance your health and take care of your body, you've come to the right place.  

As a NCCAOM-certified professional, I can help you transform your vitality and your life for the better. I can help you look and feel your best. And I can help you enjoy yourself along the way.

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. To learn more about Dr. Mary Cetan, visit her clinic website

I look forward to helping you to achieve your optimal health naturally!

imageMary Cetan PA, Dipl OM, CH, Acu; DOM; AP

Diplomate of Oriental Medicine OM, CH, Acu with NCCAOM – National Certification Commission for Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (12571) - 1999

Florida Board Certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine (FLAP 1303) - 1999

Master’s Degree Oriental Medicine -1999

Member FSOMA Florida State Oriental Medicine Association 1997 - present

In private practice in Sarasota, Florida from 1999 – present