Your Physician - Mary Cetan

Services & Rates

Complementary Consultation

Take our on-line Body Systems Survey prior to your Complementary Consultation to efficiently get to healthy solutions.  Link to On-Line Body Systems Survey  What happens at your Complementary Consultation?


  • You meet with Dr. Mary in person or over the phone
  • We go over your health challenges and wellness goals
  • We go over your Body Systems Survey results
  • You receive a copy of your Body Systems Survey results and a recommended Care Plan

To read more information about why we recommend getting started our on-line Body Systems Survey follow this link – FAQ Body Systems Survey


$80 - 100 per treatment-package plan discount

imageAcupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used forms of medicine in the world. Originating in China more than 2,500 years ago, acupuncture is currently one of the most thoroughly researched, practiced, and respected forms of complementary medicine available anywhere.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, your overall health is determined by the quality of the Qi (energy) flow through the natural pathways of your body (meridians). Acupuncture uses a variety of techniques, including placing very thin sterile needles into specific points on the body, to stimulate and improve your Qi flow. The many benefits of acupuncture include:

Chinese Herbology

$Inclulded per treatment strategy

Chinese herbal medicine is a 2,000 year old tradition using naturally occurring substances — including herbs — to enhance one's health and vitality. As opposed to Western medicine, the foundation of this approach is to support the body's natural self-healing mechanisms and abilities.image

Since each patient has a uinique Oriental Medicine diagnosis with specific symptoms and lifestyle needs, I tailor the herbal prescription to each patient.  However every patient receives only the highest-quality, professional-grade herbal medicines available through professional medical provders like us and others certified through NCCAOM.

Functional Nutrition

$Complementary per Body Systems Survey Results

imageWhat is Functional Nutrition?

  • A new term for an old fashioned fact that food is medicine!
  • A specific way to feed targeted systems and organs to support healing
  • An effective way to support detoxification and restoration of natural health in the organ to restore health and prevent future diseases

With Functional Nutrition, we use high quality supplements from Standard Process-MediHerb targeted to feed specific body systems, organs and tissues.

Functional Nutrition Blood Panel Assessment

$200 per Blood Work Consultation

Functional Nutrition Blood Panel Assessment:

Have you ever wondered how you can use specific foods and herbal support to bring your into balance after discovering out-of-range results your blood test results?  Do you have the desire to maintain your in-range blood panel results now and into your future?  With our Blood Panel Exam Plan  you can do exactly this!  We will recommend food and herbal supplements after we analyze your blood test results.

Blood Work Required: We recommend a new blood panel to cover the markers our Functional Nutrition program. You may be able to use blood work results from within the past 6 months if it has the required information.

We use LabCorp as our blood drawing facility, the draw fee is $7, the recommended Blood test is their Opti-ThyroPlex Panel II: Test Fee $265


imageCupping relieves pain, improves circulation, and also helps with respiratory and digestive issues when placed on associated body areas.  In a cupping treatment, a specialized cup is placed on an area of the body that is in need of healing support.  Suction is used to draw the circulation of fresh blood, lymph and energy into the area to facilitate healing.  The result is pain and symptoms relieve and restoration of normal function is restores.  

Pulse Diagnosis

imageOne of the most common questions that patients ask about Chinese Medicine is: "Why does my practitioner check my pulse?" Pulse diagnosis is actually one of the most complex and important diagnostic techniques we use in Chinese Medicine. Through feeling and evaluating your pulse, I obtain an accurate diagnosis of your overall constitution, Qi (energy) flow, and internal organ health, among other things. I then synthesize all of this information into a highly effective and individualized treatment plan for your specific needs.


imageMoxibustion is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing and health. Moxibustion has been used for healing purposes throughout Asia for thousands of years. The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of Qi (energy), and enhance your overall vitality and health.

Among other benefits, a landmark study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 found that 75.4% of women suffering from breech presentations before childbirth had fetuses that rotated to the normal position after receiving moxibustion at an acupuncture point on the bladder meridian.


$200 per Intake and Remedy Selection

imageHomeopathy is a system of medicine that was brought into being by the famous German physician, Dr. Samual Hahnemann in 1796.  It is used safely and effectively all over the world to support healing at an energetic level that affects the whole person.  The whole person includes the physical, emotional, mental and spirit / personality / the way the person functions in the world.  All areas are addressed together to uncover a spectrum of health and dis-ease experienced by the patient.  The correct homeopathic remedy is given to match the "state" of the patient.  The energy/vibration of the remedy stimulates the self-healing ability that lives within the patient.  It is a beautiful thing to observe patterns that have held a person in a dysfunctional state for years resolve as the patient restores healthier functioning and enjoyment of living.